How can you support MailCleaner ?

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How can you support MailCleaner ?

Post by bourgeois » Fri May 29, 2020 8:30 am

You can use MailCleaner Community Edition for free, but remember that developing such a big program is a huge job and if you want us to be able to continue to maintain and develop it, we strongly encourage you to donate to our development team. For example, $ 100 a year could help us continue to provide you with this great software ...

1) Make a donation: ... _id=176202
See donate button at the bottom of this page on
Donations will entirely be used to improve the Open Source MailCleaner version. A part of your donation will also contribute to

2) Buzz MailCleaner
MailCleaner has a presence on several social networks, please feel free to support us by your tweet, publication on our Facebook wall, ...

twitter facebook youtube linkedin flickr

3) Make a recommendation for MailCleaner on SourceForge:

4) Link MailCleaner
On your website or any publication, contribution on other forum or blogs... speak about MailCleaner and if possible place a link to our websites...

5) speak about MailCleaner around you
The more efficient support for us, and both Open Source Edition and Commercial Edition, is to speak about the product around you! (positively if possible :-) )

6) Take the time to make a short review on:




If you have any other great idea just send us a MP...

Thanks for your help
O. Bourgeois
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Re: How can you support MailCleaner ?

Post by cglmicro » Sun Jan 03, 2021 9:13 pm

Hi guys.

I've just programmed a monthly donation of 10 $ CHF (it's about $12 USD each month) and I encourage everyone to do the same; even for a few dollars each month. This way MC team will get some funds to keep moving, and will keep the community edition alive.

Thank you for your good work guys!
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Re: How can you support MailCleaner ?

Post by bourgeois » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:49 am

Hi David

Thank you very much for this great initiative
if only a few % of community version users did the same, we could do great things ...

Thanks a lot
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