This patch includes some minor bugfixes and a new statistic infrastructure.
RRDTools is now used instead of MRTG, so nicer graphics are generated and more statistics will be easier to add for the future.
Old graphs will not be available anymore through the admin interface (but still through their direct url).
This patch may takes some time to install because it have to download new versions of binaries files (around 70Mb), and recompile the perl libraries.
10 to 15 minutes if you have a good connection and a decent hardware.
Please be sure that previous patches have been installed (actually only one patch)
See here for the changelog: ... :changelog
And see here to update your system: ... on:updates
MailCleaner patch 2006100201 released
Moderators: mentor, oanasutoiu, JohnMertz, jorge, stephane, bourgeois