Open call for Alpha testers of upcoming major MailCleaner release

New releases and patches informations

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Open call for Alpha testers of upcoming major MailCleaner release

Post by JohnMertz » Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:17 am

After a long period of development which has seen updates to almost every file in every component of the system, the MailCleaner team is approaching an initial release of the next major version of MailCleaner. This will rebase the system on the latest stable version of Debian - version 12 (Bookworm).

In order to have the best roll-out possible for new appliances, we are seeking Alpha testers for the Community Edition release: ... ting-Guide

Note that this is NOT ready for production use, requires a scripted installation on top of a generic Debian 12 installation, and has many critical bugs to resolve. We are seeking this help to identify additional issues or patch the issues that already exist in the GitHub issue tracker as we push towards producing usable, Beta-quality, VM images:

All updates on this effort and other communication is encouraged to be housed in the GitHub Discussions and documentation will be improved in the GitHub Wiki. This Community Forum can be used for general discussion, but it will not be actively monitored for issues or questions.

We are very grateful for any interest.