MailCleaner Community Edition 2013.7 released

New releases and patches informations

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MailCleaner Community Edition 2013.7 released

Post by olivier » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:48 pm


I'm pleased to announce the release of MailCleaner Community Edition 2013.7

The current 2012.6 installation CD is the recommended way for fresh install, followed by the usual upgrade procedure.

This procedure, that can also be applied on any running 2012.6 version is:

Code: Select all

> apt-get update
> apt-get upgrade
> cd /usr/mailcleaner
> cvs -q update -dP
> source lib/updates/
> stabilizeBinaries
> install/
> install/
> /usr/mailcleaner/bin/ --update
> /etc/init.d/mailcleaner restart
This release mainly add the following:

# 001- (feature, user) - added bypass all filtering option
# 002- (feature, admin gui) - added local address verification connector
# 003- (feature, admin gui) - added automatic password generation for local user
# 004- (feature, smtp) - added smtp_accept_max_per_connection option
# 005- (feaure, user) - added digest links for automatic login
# 006- (improvement, admin gui) - improved SSL/TLS handling with LDAP connectors
# 007- (improvement, filtering) - improved UriRBL handling of urls
# 008- (feature, smtp) - added recipient blacklist
# 009- (improvement, filtering) - improved prefilters handling of large messages
# 010- (fix, filtering) - fixed IPv6 handling for TrustedSources prefilter
# 011- (fix, admin gui) - increased timeout value when releasing blocked content
# 012- (improvement, gui) - changed password scheme to crypt-sha512
# 013- (feature, user) - address grouping in user's quarantine and summary
# 014- (improvement, admin gui) - improved display of connection error between hosts
# 015- (improvement, admin gui) - hiding of SSL certificate key
# 016- (improvement, system) - remove useless TRACE/TRACK options of HTTP server
# 017- (feature, smtp) - Added full DMARC support, including optional reporting
# 018- (feature, filtering) - added checks of hostname-domain pairs of well know mail senders to avoid PreRBLs hits
# 019- (improvement, filtering) - improved handling of corrupted TNEF archives
# 020- (improvement, http) - improved SSL security

Please feel free to post comments/feedback here (please post bugs in the appropriate section) :
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